Mac: opt+Up/Down Arrow Move line up/down in vs code Want to move a certain piece of code to a different place in the current file? Skip the usual Cut-Paste and simply move the current line or selection up/down by using this shortcut: Use the following key combination to achieve that: One such shortcut allows you to expand your selection word by word. Instead of using click and drag to select the text, you can go for various keyboard shortcuts that enhance both speed and precision. You can save a lot of time and avoid accidental deletion caused by the usual way of holding down Backspace. If you ever want to search for a piece of text in all your current project files, VS Code allows you to do that by either clicking the Search icon on the sidebar or by using the following keyboard shortcut: You can access the command palette by the following key combination: Simply start typing what you want VS Code to do in the command palette and it will come up with all sorts of suggested commands to help you out. Or you might want to simply change some settings, disable all extensions and you don’t want to go through the hassle of finding out where that option exists.

Let’s say you want to format your code and don’t remember the shortcut. It presents to you every functionality, shortcut, and configuration options in the form of a searchable list. The Command Palette will probably turn out to be the most used feature of VS Code for you if you are new to the editor. Or by going to View > Appearance > Toggle Zen Mode. Zen mode is a distraction-free view, allowing you to focus completely on your code and hide all the toolbars and buttons. This blog will take you through the most useful visual studio code shortcut keys, features, and the best extensions to boost your productivity and transform you into a VS Code Ninja! VS Code Shortcuts for Beginners 1.
If you are new to VS code and want to know the most useful shortcuts to take full advantage of this awesome code editor, you have arrived at the right place. A plethora of themes to customize your workspace to your heart’s content.Ever-growing library of 24000+ extensions.Top reasons why developers love VS code editor VS code offers all the best features required to make development work fun and hassle-free. The number of features and extensibility VS Code offers keeps getting better with time. Visual Studio Code has become one of the most popular code editors out there and for good reasons.